Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
SWAP MEET @ Garage Metallica

Be There!
A Swap Meet esta maracada. Ajudem a divulgar. Conto com todos voces.
12 de Junho das 10 as 16 Sharp. Tragam suas pecas e seu bom humor.
Contato para Duvidas 11 38152488 ou garagemetallica@gmail.com
Saturday, May 22, 2010
SF in 1906

An interesting look into 1906 "street" life.
This video was taken 4 days before the 1906 earthquake and (the unknown author') dad had just been born within probably a mile of this street about a week before. It was very emotional to know that I was looking into a day of the life of my grandmother. Watch the whole thing and look at the clothing and the way the automobiles and horses drawn vehicles were driven. Just as crazy as today.
This film was "lost" for many years. It was among the first 35mm film ever. The camera was mounted on the front of a cable car
The number of automobiles is staggering for 1906. The clock tower at the end of Market Street at the Embarcadero wharf is still there. (I'm also wondering how many "street cleaning" people were employed to pick up after the horses? Talk about going green!)
Great historical film worth watching.
This film, originally thought to be from 1905 until David Kiehn with the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum figured out exactly when it was shot. From New York trade papers announcing the film showing to the wet streets from recent heavy rainfall & shadows indicating time of year & actual weather and conditions on historical record, even when the cars were registered (he even knows who owned them and when the plates were issued!).. It was filmed only four days before the quake and shipped by train to NY for processing. Amazing but true!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
If I were to buy a Kawa

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Dois pensamentos de 1931

"É impossível levar o pobre à prosperidade através de legislações que punem os ricos pela prosperidade.
Por cada pessoa que recebe sem trabalhar, outra pessoa deve trabalhar sem receber.
O governo não pode dar para alguém aquilo que não tira de outro alguém.
Quando metade da população entende a idéia de que não precisa trabalhar, pois a outra metade da população irá sustentá-la, e quando esta outra metade entende que não vale mais a pena trabalhar para sustentar a primeira metade, então chegamos ao começo do fim de uma nação.
É impossível multiplicar riqueza dividindo-a."
Adrian Rogers, 1931
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Own a Piece of History

I came across this historic bike...it's for sale in London for aprox. 45.000 EUR.
Exceptional Aermacchi Harley-Davidson 250 Racing. This is the mythical bike that became Vice World Champion in 1972 with Renzo Pasolini.
Two specimens were built at the end of 1971 for Renzo Pasolini, and this factory bike participated in the 3 first races of the World Championship in 1972, with 2 victories and 1 second place. It was then replaced for the end of the season by a different bike with large cylinderheads.
Conserved during several decades by a collector, this bike is now available in France.
* GP France Clermont Ferrand: 2nd with the present bike.
* GP Italie Imola: 1st with the present bike.
* GP Yougoslavie Opatija: 1st with the present bike.
* GP Hollande Assen: 2nd
* GP Allemagne Sachsenring: 2nd
* GP Tchécoslovaquie Brno: 2nd
* GP Suède Anderstorp: 3rd
* GP Espagne Barcelone: 1st
1972 Vice Champion du Monde 250
1st: Saarinen
2nd: Pasolini
Monday, May 3, 2010

GREAT PICS! This is Cicero's new site, you know him from the book Godspeed 45/06.
Lots of cool biker pics. Check it out!!! CICERODEGUZMANJR.COM