Just an excuse for him to show off his amazing collection o vintage iron and his new "whitewall" haircut.
Thanks for lunch, maaaaan.
When they say there's no such a thing as a free lunch, they really mean it.
It fucking cost me my car, as I crashed into a city bus on the way there.
Sorry, no pics of the crash, I was too pissed off; Mostly at the hard earned cash that I was saving up to buy a Sportster...snif, snif
By the way, pics form the new Sony T900, greta little camera.
Fala Edu, sou um entusiasta que acompanha o blog. Queria trocar uma idéia com você sobre as motos, em ajuda a ilustrar umas dúvidas? Tem um email que a gente possa falar? Abs, Alex (alex@alex-batista.com)
Almost Like Kali. Need a few more Harleys heheheh
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